Bill Miller Green Bean Recipe

Bill Miller's Green Bean Recipe: A Southern Classic, Delicious and Easy Side Dish

Bill Miller Green Bean

    Bill Miller Green Bean

  • Cuisine: American
  • Category: Side dish
  • Prep Time:
  • Cook Time:
  • Servings: 6
  • Calories: 150 calories

About this recipe

Bill Miller's barbeque is legendary in Texas, and their green beans are no exception. They've got that classic Southern-style flavor that'll make your taste buds dance with joy.

Now, I don't have the exact recipe for Bill Miller's green beans, but I can tell you that they are cooked to perfection. They're tender yet still have a bit of a crunch, and the flavors are perfectly balanced.

One thing that makes Bill Miller's green beans so special is the way they're cooked. I've heard that they simmer them for hours in a savory broth with bacon and onions, which sounds absolutely delicious. The bacon adds a smoky depth of flavor, while the onions give the dish a bit of sweetness.

Another thing that sets Bill Miller's green beans apart is the way they're seasoned. I'm not sure what spices they use, but I bet they've got a secret blend that makes these green beans so addictive. They're just the right amount of salty and savory, with a hint of acidity from the vinegar.

I could go on and on about these green beans, but the truth is, you've got to taste them for yourself to truly appreciate their greatness. If you're lucky enough to live near a Bill Miller's location, I highly recommend giving their green beans a try. They're the perfect side dish to complement their smoky barbeque and are sure to leave you feeling satisfied and happy.

Without further ado, I've gone all about to give you something not very far from the signatory Bill Miller green beans that you have to try today here.

Origin of Bill Miller Green Bean recipe

The recipe for Southern-style green beans can be traced back to the Southern United States, where it has been a staple of Southern cooking for generations. Green beans are a popular vegetable in the South due to their abundance during the growing season and their versatility in the kitchen.

The Southern-style green bean recipe is a simple but flavorful preparation that involves slow-cooking the green beans with savory ingredients such as bacon, onions, and garlic in a broth. This method of cooking allows the flavors to meld together and infuse the green beans with a depth of flavor that is hard to resist.

While there may be variations of this recipe depending on the cook and region, the basic preparation of slow-cooking green beans with bacon and onions is a classic Southern technique that has been passed down through generations.

Why make this recipe?

If you're a fan of delicious, hearty, and flavorful dishes, then you absolutely should try Bill Miller's green bean recipe! Here are some reasons why you should give this recipe a shot:

  1. Authentic Texas flavors: Bill Miller's is known for its authentic Texas-style barbeque, and their green beans are no exception. They're made with savory bacon, onions, and chicken broth, giving them a rich and smoky flavor that's hard to resist.
  2. Healthy and nutritious: Green beans are a fantastic source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, vitamin K, and fiber. By adding them to your diet, you're boosting your overall health and well-being.
  3. Easy to make: The recipe for Bill Miller's green beans is straightforward and easy to follow. You don't need any fancy equipment or culinary skills to whip up a delicious batch of these green beans.
  4. Versatile: These green beans are the perfect side dish for any meal. They pair well with barbeque, grilled chicken, roasted beef, or even a vegetarian dish.
  5. Crowd-pleaser: Whether you're cooking for your family, friends, or a large group of people, Bill Miller's green beans are sure to be a hit. They're flavorful, satisfying, and easy to share.
In summary, if you're looking for a delicious, easy-to-make, and healthy side dish that will impress your taste buds and those of your guests, then you should definitely give Bill Miller's green bean recipe a try. Trust me, you won't be disappointed!

What does Bill Miller Green Bean taste like?

The taste of Bill Miller's green beans is best described as savory, smoky, and slightly sweet. The dish is slow-cooked with bacon, onions, and chicken broth, which gives it a rich, meaty flavor.

The bacon provides a smoky depth of flavor, while the onions add a touch of sweetness that complements the savory broth.

The green beans themselves are cooked until tender yet still have a bit of crunch, giving them a pleasing texture. The dish is well-seasoned with a blend of herbs and spices that add a complex depth of flavor, and the addition of vinegar adds a subtle tangy note that balances out the dish.

The taste of Bill Miller's green beans is incredibly satisfying and comforting, making it the perfect side dish to complement the smoky and hearty flavors of their barbeque.

What would you need for this recipe?

These are the ingredients needed to make Bill Miller green beans:

  • Fresh green beans: These are the star of the dish. You'll need about 2 pounds of fresh green beans, trimmed and rinsed.
  • Bacon: The bacon provides a smoky depth of flavor to the dish. You'll need 4 slices of bacon, diced.
  • Onion: The onion adds a touch of sweetness and flavor to the dish. You'll need 1 medium onion, chopped.
  • Garlic: The garlic adds a rich and savory flavor to the dish. You'll need 2 cloves of garlic, minced.
  • Chicken broth: The chicken broth serves as the cooking liquid for the green beans and adds a rich and savory flavor. You'll need 2 cups of chicken broth.
  • Vinegar: The vinegar adds a subtle tangy note that balances out the dish. You'll need 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar.
  • Salt and pepper: These are essential seasonings that help bring out the flavors of the dish.
  • Dried thyme: The dried thyme adds a herbaceous note that complements the other flavors in the dish.


  • Large skillet or Dutch oven: This is used to cook the green beans with the other ingredients. A large pot or saucepan can be used as a substitute.
  • Tongs or slotted spoon: These are used to stir and turn the green beans as they cook. A wooden spoon or spatula can also be used as a substitute.
  • Cutting board and knife: These are used to chop the onion and garlic, and to dice the bacon. A food processor or mandoline can also be used to chop the onion.
  • Measuring cups and spoons: These are used to measure out the ingredients. A kitchen scale can also be used to weigh the ingredients.
  • Serving dish: This is used to serve the finished green beans. Any type of serving dish or bowl can be used as a substitute.

How to make Bill Miller Green Bean

Looking for a delicious side dish? Try Bill Miller's green bean recipe! Our guide provides easy-to-follow instructions and tips for a perfect dish.


  • 2 pounds fresh green beans, trimmed
  • 6 slices of bacon, diced
  • 1 medium onion, diced
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 3 cups chicken broth
  • 2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar
  • Salt and black pepper to taste

Instructions to follow

  1. Rinse the green beans under cold water and trim off the ends. Cut them in half or leave them whole, depending on your preference.
  2. In a large pot or Dutch oven, cook the bacon over medium heat until crispy. Remove the bacon with a slotted spoon and set it aside.
  3. In the same pot, add the onion and garlic and cook until they are softened, about 3-4 minutes.
  4. Add the green beans to the pot and stir to combine. Pour in the chicken broth and apple cider vinegar and season with salt and black pepper to taste.
  5. Bring the mixture to a boil, then reduce the heat to low and simmer for 1-1/2 to 2 hours, or until the green beans are tender and flavorful.
  6. Serve the green beans with the reserved bacon on top for added flavor and crunch.

How do you serve Bill Miller Green Bean recipe?

After making Bill Miller's green bean recipe, you can serve it as a side dish alongside your favorite main course. Below are some tips on how to serve the green beans:

  1. Transfer the green beans to a serving dish: Use a slotted spoon or tongs to transfer the green beans from the skillet or Dutch oven to a serving dish.
  2. Garnish with bacon bits: Sprinkle the diced bacon bits over the top of the green beans to add extra flavor and texture.
  3. Serve warm: The green beans are best served warm, so make sure to serve them right away. If you need to keep them warm before serving, you can cover the dish with foil and place it in a warm oven (around 200°F) for up to 30 minutes.
  4. Enjoy with your favorite main course: Bill Miller's green beans are a delicious side dish that pairs well with a variety of main courses, such as barbeque, roasted chicken, or grilled steak.

Rated: 4.9 of 5.0 from 613 reviews.

Recipe Tags: Bill Miller Green Bean, Bill Miller Green Bean Recipe, Recipe, Top rated, Southern Green Beans

What to serve with?

Bill Miller's green beans make a great side dish to complement a wide variety of main courses. Here are a few suggestions for dishes that would pair well with the green beans:

  • Barbeque: Bill Miller's green beans are a classic side dish to serve with barbeque. They complement the smoky, savory flavors of barbeque meat and add a touch of sweetness and acidity.
  • Roasted chicken: The savory and slightly sweet flavors of the green beans pair well with the rich and juicy flavors of roasted chicken. It's a classic pairing that is sure to be a crowd-pleaser.
  • Grilled steak: The bold flavors of a grilled steak are complemented by the savory bacon and onions in the green beans. They add a touch of sweetness and acidity that helps balance out the rich, meaty flavors of the steak.
  • Pork chops: The savory and slightly sweet flavors of the green beans also pair well with pork chops. The dish is hearty and satisfying, making it a great option for a cozy weeknight dinner.

My recommendations and tips

  1. Use fresh green beans: Fresh green beans will have the best flavor and texture. Look for beans that are bright green, crisp, and free of blemishes.
  2. Cook the bacon first: Cooking the bacon first allows the fat to render out and creates a flavorful base for cooking the onions and garlic.
  3. Use sweet onions: Sweet onions have a milder and sweeter flavor than regular onions, which helps to balance out the dish.
  4. Don't overcook the green beans: Cook the green beans until they are tender-crisp. Overcooking them can cause them to become mushy and lose their bright green color.
  5. Season well: Be sure to season the dish well with salt and black pepper. You can also add a pinch of red pepper flakes if you like a little heat.
  6. Garnish with bacon bits: Sprinkling the bacon bits over the top of the green beans adds a nice crunch and extra flavor to the dish.
  7. Serve immediately: Bill Miller's green beans are best served immediately after cooking. If you need to keep them warm before serving, you can cover the dish with foil and place it in a warm oven (around 200°F) for up to 30 minutes.

How to store Bill Miller Green Bean

  1. Allow the green beans to cool to room temperature before storing.
  2. Transfer the green beans to an airtight container.
  3. Place the container in the refrigerator and store for up to 3-4 days.
  4. When ready to serve again, reheat the green beans in the microwave or on the stovetop until they are heated through.

It's important to note that reheating the green beans may cause them to lose some of their texture and flavor, so it's best to store only the amount you will consume within a few days. Additionally, avoid reheating the green beans more than once as this can increase the risk of foodborne illness.

Potential ingredients substitutes

  • Green beans substitute: If fresh green beans are not available, you can use frozen green beans instead. Just be sure to thaw them first and pat them dry with a paper towel.
  • Bacon substitute: If you prefer a vegetarian or vegan version, you can omit the bacon and use olive oil or vegetable oil instead to cook the onions and garlic.
  • Sweet onion substitute: If sweet onions are not available, you can use regular onions instead. They will have a slightly stronger flavor, so you may want to use a little less than the recipe calls for.
  • Garlic substitute: If you don't have fresh garlic, you can use garlic powder instead. Use about 1/4 teaspoon of garlic powder for each clove of garlic called for in the recipe.
  • Brown sugar substitute: If you don't have brown sugar, you can use granulated sugar or honey instead. Just keep in mind that the flavor will be slightly different.
  • Apple cider vinegar substitute: If you don't have apple cider vinegar, you can use white wine vinegar or red wine vinegar instead. Just be aware that the flavor will be slightly different.
  • Smoked paprika substitute: If you don't have smoked paprika, you can use regular paprika or a pinch of cayenne pepper instead. Smoked paprika adds a nice smoky flavor to the dish, but regular paprika or cayenne pepper will still add some heat and flavor.

What more?

  1. This recipe is customizable: If you prefer your green beans to be sweeter or tangier, you can adjust the amount of brown sugar or apple cider vinegar accordingly. You can also add more or less bacon bits depending on your personal taste.
  2. This recipe can be doubled or halved: If you need to make more or less of this recipe, you can simply double or halve the ingredients as needed.
  3. This recipe is great for meal prep: You can make a large batch of Bill Miller's green bean recipe ahead of time and portion it out into meal prep containers for an easy side dish during the week.
  4. You can use leftover bacon grease for cooking: If you have leftover bacon grease from cooking the bacon, you can use it to sauté the onions and garlic for extra flavor.
  5. This recipe pairs well with many main dishes: Bill Miller's green bean recipe is a versatile side dish that pairs well with a variety of main dishes, such as grilled chicken, steak, pork chops, or fish.


This article provides a comprehensive guide to making Bill Miller's delicious green bean recipe, including tips, ingredient substitutions, storage instructions, and additional information to help you create the perfect side dish.

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