Metemgee Recipe

Authentic Metemgee Recipe: A Flavorful Guyanese Delight for Your Culinary Adventures



  • Cuisine: Guyanese
  • Category: Main Dish
  • Prep Time:
  • Cook Time:
  • Servings: 8
  • Calories: 450 calories

About this recipe

Metemgee is a delightful dish hailing from the beautiful country of Guyana, nestled in South America. It's a culinary masterpiece that brings together a variety of meats, vegetables, and aromatic spices, all simmered in a rich and creamy coconut milk broth.

The name "Metemgee" itself is quite intriguing and unique. It is derived from the Guyanese Creole language, where "metem" means "mixed" and "gee" stands for "food." So, Metemgee essentially translates to "mixed food" or "food fusion."

Now, let's dive into the flavors and ingredients that make this dish so special. Picture a medley of tender chunks of beef, pork, and chicken, infused with the earthy goodness of curry powder, along with fragrant thyme and a touch of fiery heat from hot peppers if you're feeling adventurous.

To enhance the lusciousness, coconut milk is introduced, lending its creamy texture and tropical essence to the dish. As the meats and vegetables simmer away in this delectable coconut milk broth, they absorb the flavors, resulting in a mouthwatering amalgamation of tastes.

Speaking of vegetables, Metemgee is a colorful celebration of root vegetables like yam, sweet potato, and cassava, along with the vibrant hues of pumpkin or squash and the humble green plantain. These ingredients add depth, texture, and their own distinct flavors to the dish.

But the magic doesn't stop there! Metemgee wouldn't be complete without the addition of okra, which brings a delightful touch of sliminess (in a good way!) and helps thicken the broth, making it even more indulgent.

Once all the ingredients have mingled and the meats have become tender, it's time to savor this scrumptious creation. Ladle the Metemgee into bowls, ensuring you get a generous serving of meats and a variety of vegetables in each spoonful. The aroma alone will tantalize your taste buds.

In traditional Guyanese fashion, Metemgee is often enjoyed alongside steamed rice or soft roti bread. The combination of the flavorful broth with the fluffy rice or the comforting warmth of the bread creates a heavenly dining experience.

Metemgee truly embodies the essence of Guyanese cuisine, which is a fusion of various culinary influences from Africa, India, Europe, and the Indigenous peoples of the region. It showcases the country's diverse heritage and offers a wholesome and satisfying meal that brings people together.

So, if you're looking for a dish that is hearty, flavorful, and transports you to the vibrant culture of Guyana, Metemgee is the perfect choice. Prepare it with love and enjoy the incredible taste journey it has to offer.

Recipe origin and background

The Metemgee recipe has its origins in Guyana, a country located on the northeastern coast of South America. Guyana is known for its rich cultural diversity, which is reflected in its cuisine. Metemgee is a popular dish that is deeply rooted in Guyanese culinary traditions.

The recipe draws influences from the various ethnic groups that make up the country's population, including Afro-Guyanese, Indo-Guyanese, Amerindians, and more. Each group has contributed their own flavors, ingredients, and cooking techniques to the vibrant Guyanese culinary tapestry.

Metemgee is often considered a comfort food and is traditionally prepared for special occasions, family gatherings, or celebrations. It is a dish that brings people together, and its preparation and enjoyment are often communal experiences.

The name "Metemgee" itself is believed to be derived from the Guyanese Creole language, reflecting the practice of mixing different meats and vegetables in the dish. This blending of flavors and ingredients represents the diversity and fusion of Guyanese culture.

While the exact origins of Metemgee are difficult to trace, it has become a beloved and iconic dish in Guyanese cuisine. It is a reflection of the country's history, heritage, and the creativity of its people when it comes to blending flavors and creating hearty, satisfying meals.

Today, Metemgee is not only enjoyed in Guyana but has also gained popularity among Guyanese diaspora communities around the world. It serves as a delicious reminder of home and a way to keep their culinary traditions alive.

Why try this Metemgee recipe?

There are several compelling reasons why you should give the Metemgee recipe a try:

  1. Rich and Flavorful: Metemgee is a dish that is bursting with rich, savory flavors. The combination of meats, vegetables, and aromatic spices simmered in coconut milk creates a taste experience that is both satisfying and delicious. It's a dish that will tantalize your taste buds and leave you wanting more.
  2. Cultural Exploration: Trying the Metemgee recipe allows you to embark on a culinary journey and explore the flavors of Guyanese cuisine. It provides a glimpse into the cultural heritage and culinary traditions of Guyana, a country known for its diverse influences and vibrant food scene.
  3. Comfort Food at Its Best: Metemgee is the epitome of comfort food. It's a hearty and warming dish that is perfect for chilly days or when you crave a satisfying and filling meal. The combination of tender meats, flavorful vegetables, and creamy coconut milk broth creates a comforting and nourishing experience.
  4. Versatility and Customization: One of the great things about Metemgee is its versatility. While there is a traditional recipe to follow, you can easily customize it to your liking by adjusting the types of meats and vegetables used or by adding your favorite spices. It's a dish that welcomes experimentation and personalization.
  5. Sharing and Connection: Metemgee is a dish that is often enjoyed in a communal setting. It's a fantastic way to bring people together, whether it's for a family gathering or a potluck with friends. Sharing a bowl of Metemgee creates a sense of connection and fosters a shared culinary experience.
  6. Unique and Memorable: Trying a new recipe like Metemgee adds excitement and variety to your culinary repertoire. It's a dish that stands out due to its distinctive combination of flavors and ingredients. By introducing Metemgee to your meals, you'll be introducing something unique and memorable to your dining table.

So, if you're looking for an opportunity to savor delicious flavors, explore a new culinary tradition, and enjoy a comforting and satisfying meal, trying the Metemgee recipe is definitely worth it. It's a dish that brings together culture, taste, and a sense of togetherness that will leave a lasting impression.

What does Metemgee taste like?

The taste of Metemgee can be described as a harmonious blend of rich, savory, and subtly spiced flavors. The combination of meats, vegetables, and coconut milk creates a complex and satisfying taste profile.

The meats, which can include beef, pork, and chicken, are typically cooked until tender and infused with the flavors of curry powder, thyme, and other aromatic spices. These spices add a warm, earthy undertone to the dish.

The coconut milk plays a crucial role in Metemgee, imparting a creamy and slightly sweet flavor that beautifully balances the savory elements. It adds a lusciousness to the broth and provides a tropical touch that is characteristic of many Caribbean and South American cuisines.

The vegetables in Metemgee, such as root vegetables like yam, sweet potato, and cassava, along with pumpkin or squash, green plantain, and okra, bring their own distinct tastes and textures. The root vegetables contribute a hearty and earthy flavor, while the pumpkin or squash lends a mild sweetness. The green plantain adds a slight starchy quality, and the okra provides a unique sliminess that enhances the overall texture of the dish.

The combination of these flavors results in a deeply satisfying and comforting taste experience. The broth is rich and flavorful, with the meats and vegetables absorbing the spices and coconut milk, creating a delightful melding of tastes. The dish strikes a beautiful balance between savory and subtly sweet notes, with the spices adding depth without overpowering the other flavors.

Metemgee is a dish that can be customized to individual preferences, allowing for variations in spiciness and seasoning. Some may prefer a milder flavor profile, while others may opt for a spicier kick by adding hot peppers or additional spices.

The taste of Metemgee is a celebration of the diverse flavors found in Guyanese cuisine. It is a comforting and hearty dish that brings together the best of meats, vegetables, and spices, resulting in a delightful fusion of flavors that is sure to satisfy the palate.

What is in Metemgee?

  • Mixed Meats: This provides a variety of flavors and textures to the dish.
  • Salted Beef or Salted Pork (optional): This is an optional ingredient that adds a savory and salty element to the dish. You can omit it if desired.
  • Onion: The onion adds aromatic flavor and sweetness to the dish.
  • Garlic: Garlic enhances the savory profile of the dish and adds depth to the flavors.
  • Curry Powder: This spice blend adds a warm, earthy flavor and a vibrant yellow color to the dish.
  • Thyme Leaves: Thyme contributes an aromatic and herbaceous note to the dish.
  • Hot Pepper (optional): This ingredient is optional but adds a spicy kick to the dish if desired. Adjust the quantity according to your preferred level of heat.
  • Coconut Milk: Coconut milk adds a creamy and slightly sweet flavor to the dish, creating a luscious broth.
  • Water: This is used to thin out the broth and ensure all the ingredients are adequately covered.
  • Root Vegetables: Such as yam, sweet potato, cassava. These add heartiness and earthy flavors to the dish.
  • Pumpkin or Squash: This vegetable provides a mild sweetness and vibrant color to the dish.
  • Green Plantain: Green plantain adds a slightly starchy quality to the dish and complements the other flavors.
  • Okra: Okra adds a unique sliminess (in a good way!) and helps thicken the broth.
  • Salt and Pepper: Season the dish with salt and pepper according to your preference.

Equipment required for this recipe

  • Large Pot: A large pot is essential for cooking the meats, vegetables, and broth. It should be able to accommodate all the ingredients and allow for simmering. If you don't have a large pot, you can use a Dutch oven or any deep, wide pan with a lid as a substitute.
  • Knife and Cutting Board: You will need a sharp knife and a cutting board to chop the meats, onions, garlic, and vegetables. Ensure the knife is suitable for cutting through meat and vegetables easily.
  • Stirring Utensil: A wooden spoon or spatula is necessary for stirring the ingredients in the pot and ensuring even cooking. It should be long enough to reach the bottom of the pot without getting too close to the heat source.
  • Measuring Utensils: You will need measuring spoons for precise measurement of ingredients like curry powder, thyme leaves, and minced garlic. Additionally, a liquid measuring cup can be helpful for accurately measuring coconut milk and water.
  • Serving Bowls and Plates: Once the Metemgee is cooked, you'll need bowls or plates to serve the dish. Ensure they are large enough to hold a generous serving of the meats, vegetables, and broth.

How to make Metemgee

Discover the taste of Guyana with our authentic Metemgee recipe. Tender meats, flavorful vegetables, and aromatic spices create a satisfying dish.


  • 1 pound mixed meats (beef, pork, chicken), cut into chunks
  • 1 pound salted beef or salted pork, cut into chunks (optional)
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 3 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 1 tablespoon curry powder
  • 1 teaspoon thyme leaves
  • 1 hot pepper, finely chopped (optional)
  • 2 cups coconut milk
  • 4 cups water
  • 2 cups diced root vegetables (yam, sweet potato, cassava)
  • 2 cups diced pumpkin or squash
  • 2 cups diced green plantain
  • 1 cup diced okra
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. In a large pot, add the mixed meats, salted beef or pork (if using), onion, garlic, curry powder, thyme, and hot pepper. Cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until the meats are browned and the onions are translucent.
  2. Add the coconut milk and water to the pot. Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat to a simmer. Cover the pot and let it cook for about 1 hour to allow the flavors to meld.
  3. Add the diced root vegetables, pumpkin or squash, green plantain, and okra to the pot. Stir well to combine. If necessary, add more water to ensure the vegetables are covered.
  4. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Cover the pot again and let it simmer for another 30-40 minutes, or until the meats and vegetables are tender.
  5. Once the metemgee is cooked, taste and adjust the seasoning if needed. You can add more curry powder or spices according to your preference.
  6. Serve the metemgee hot in bowls, ensuring each bowl has a good mix of meats and vegetables. It is traditionally enjoyed with a side of steamed rice or roti bread.

How to serve Metemgee

  1. Metemgee is typically served in individual bowls. Choose bowls that are deep enough to hold a generous portion of the meats, vegetables, and broth.
  2. Spoon the Metemgee into each bowl, ensuring that each serving includes a combination of meats, vegetables, and enough broth to create a flavorful and satisfying experience.
  3. Metemgee is often enjoyed with a side of steamed rice or soft roti bread. Prepare the rice separately, following the cooking instructions on the package. Serve a scoop of steamed rice alongside the Metemgee in each bowl. The rice acts as a neutral base that complements the flavors of the dish.
  4. If you prefer roti bread, you can either make your own or purchase it from a store. Tear off a piece of roti bread and use it to scoop up the Metemgee while enjoying the rich flavors and textures.
  5. Some people like to garnish their Metemgee with fresh herbs such as chopped cilantro or parsley. This adds a vibrant touch and additional aroma to the dish. Sprinkle a small amount of chopped herbs on top of each bowl as a finishing touch.
  6. Serve the Metemgee while it's still hot and steaming. The warmth enhances the flavors and aromas of the dish.
  7. Metemgee is often enjoyed as a main course, but you can also serve it as part of a larger meal with additional side dishes if desired. It pairs well with simple salads or pickled vegetables, which provide a refreshing contrast to the hearty flavors of the dish.
  8. Finally, gather your family and friends around the table and enjoy the Metemgee together. It is a dish that encourages sharing and creates a sense of togetherness.

The serving suggestions can be adjusted based on personal preferences and dietary needs. The goal is to create a satisfying and enjoyable dining experience by combining the flavorful Metemgee with complementary accompaniments.

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Recipe Tags: Metemgee, Metemgee Recipe, Recipe, Top rated

What to serve Metemgee with

  1. Steamed Rice: The most common and traditional accompaniment for Metemgee is steamed rice. The neutral flavor of rice allows you to fully savor the rich and aromatic flavors of the dish. Serve a scoop of steamed rice alongside the Metemgee in each bowl.
  2. Roti Bread: Soft roti bread is another popular choice to serve with Metemgee. You can either make your own roti or purchase it from a store. Tear off a piece of roti bread and use it to scoop up the meats, vegetables, and broth, creating a delightful combination of flavors and textures.
  3. Fried Plantains: Adding some slices of fried plantains can provide a touch of sweetness and a contrasting texture to the savory Metemgee. Simply slice ripe plantains and fry them until golden brown for a delicious side dish.
  4. Pickled Vegetables: Pickled vegetables, such as cucumber, carrot, or cabbage, can offer a refreshing and tangy contrast to the rich flavors of Metemgee. You can prepare your own pickled vegetables or purchase them from a store.
  5. Green Salad: A light and fresh green salad can complement the richness of Metemgee. Consider preparing a simple salad with mixed greens, tomatoes, cucumbers, and a tangy vinaigrette dressing.
  6. Fried Bakes or Dumplings: If you're looking for a heartier option, you can serve Metemgee with fried bakes or dumplings. These bread-like accompaniments provide a satisfying texture and can be used to soak up the flavorful broth.
  7. Hot Sauce or Pepper Sauce: If you enjoy spiciness, you can serve Metemgee with your favorite hot sauce or pepper sauce on the side. This allows individuals to adjust the heat level according to their preference.

Do take note that, the choice of accompaniments ultimately depends on your personal taste and preferences. Feel free to mix and match these suggestions or explore other side dishes that you think would complement the flavors of Metemgee. The goal is to create a well-balanced and enjoyable meal experience that satisfies your cravings and enhances the overall enjoyment of the dish.

My recommendations and tips

  1. Meat Selection: Choose a variety of meats that you enjoy and that will complement the flavors of the dish. Popular options include beef, pork, and chicken. Consider using bone-in cuts or tougher cuts of meat, as they will become tender and flavorful during the cooking process.
  2. Vegetables: While the traditional vegetables used in Metemgee include root vegetables like yam, sweet potato, and cassava, along with pumpkin or squash, green plantain, and okra, you can also experiment with other vegetables that you enjoy. Feel free to add or substitute vegetables based on your personal preferences.
  3. Spices and Seasonings: The combination of curry powder, thyme, garlic, and onion forms the base of the flavorful broth in Metemgee. Adjust the quantity of spices and seasonings to suit your taste. You can increase or decrease the amount of curry powder or add additional spices like cumin, paprika, or ginger for extra depth of flavor.
  4. Coconut Milk: Coconut milk plays a crucial role in Metemgee, providing a creamy and slightly sweet flavor. Use high-quality coconut milk for the best results. If you prefer a lighter version, you can use light coconut milk or dilute the regular coconut milk with water.
  5. Cooking Time: Metemgee is a dish that benefits from slow and gentle cooking to allow the flavors to meld together and the meats to become tender. Simmer the ingredients on low heat for a sufficient amount of time to ensure the meats are fully cooked and infused with the flavors of the spices and coconut milk.
  6. Taste and Adjust: Throughout the cooking process, taste the broth and adjust the seasonings as needed. Add salt and pepper gradually to achieve the desired flavor balance. Remember that flavors develop as the dish simmers, so it's important to periodically taste and make adjustments accordingly.
  7. Texture: Metemgee is a dish that offers a mix of textures, with tender meats, soft vegetables, and a slightly thickened broth. Ensure that the meats are cooked until they are tender and easily fall apart. The vegetables should be cooked but still have some texture to them. Okra is added to provide a sliminess that thickens the broth slightly.
  8. Garnish and Presentation: Just before serving, you can garnish each bowl of Metemgee with fresh herbs like chopped cilantro or parsley. This adds a pop of color and freshness to the dish. Additionally, pay attention to the presentation by arranging the meats, vegetables, and broth in an appealing way in each bowl.
  9. Enjoy and Share: Metemgee is best enjoyed when shared with family and friends. Invite loved ones to join you in savoring this flavorful and comforting dish. Share stories, laughter, and the joy of good food together.

Potential ingredients substitutes

If you're unable to find certain ingredients for Metemgee or if you have dietary restrictions, here are some possible ingredient substitutes:

  • Meats substitute: You can substitute the mixed meats in the recipe with your preferred protein options. This could include chicken, beef, pork, or even lamb. Adjust the cooking times accordingly based on the type of meat you choose.
  • Salted Beef or Salted Pork substitute: If you prefer to omit the salted beef or salted pork, you can replace it with regular beef or pork chunks. While it won't provide the same level of saltiness, you can add salt to taste during the cooking process.
  • Onion substitute: If you don't have onions, you can use shallots as a substitute. Shallots have a similar flavor profile and can provide a mild onion taste to the dish.
  • Garlic substitute: If you don't have fresh garlic cloves, you can use garlic powder or granulated garlic as a substitute. However, keep in mind that fresh garlic will provide a stronger and more aromatic flavor.
  • Curry Powder substitute: If you don't have curry powder on hand, you can create a homemade substitute by combining individual spices such as turmeric, cumin, coriander, and fenugreek. Adjust the quantities based on your taste preferences.
  • Thyme Leaves substitute: If you don't have thyme leaves, you can use dried thyme as a substitute. However, fresh thyme will provide a more vibrant and aromatic flavor.
  • Hot Pepper substitute: If you prefer a milder version of Metemgee or don't have access to hot peppers, you can omit this ingredient altogether. Alternatively, you can use a small amount of cayenne pepper or chili flakes for a hint of heat.
  • Coconut Milk substitute: If you're unable to find coconut milk, you can substitute it with coconut cream or a combination of cow's milk and coconut extract. Keep in mind that these substitutes will alter the texture and flavor slightly.
  • Root Vegetables substitute: If you're unable to find specific root vegetables like yam, sweet potato, or cassava, you can replace them with other hearty vegetables such as parsnips, turnips, or carrots. These alternatives will add a similar earthy and sweet taste to the dish.
  • Pumpkin or Squash substitute: If pumpkin or squash is not available, you can substitute it with butternut squash, acorn squash, or any other variety of winter squash. These alternatives will provide a similar mild sweetness and vibrant color.
  • Green Plantain substitute: If green plantains are not accessible, you can substitute them with unripe bananas or even firm green bananas. While the taste will differ slightly, they will still add a starchy and slightly sweet element to the dish.
  • Okra substitute: If you don't have okra or prefer not to use it, you can omit this ingredient. Okra contributes a slimy texture and helps thicken the broth, but the dish can still be enjoyed without it.

What more?

  1. Adjusting the Spice Level: Metemgee can be customized to suit your spice preferences. If you prefer a milder flavor, you can reduce the amount of curry powder or omit the hot pepper. On the other hand, if you enjoy spicier dishes, you can increase the amount of curry powder or add additional hot peppers to intensify the heat.
  2. Leftovers and Storage: Metemgee can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3-4 days in a covered container. The flavors tend to develop and deepen over time, making it even more delicious as leftovers. Reheat the dish on the stovetop or in the microwave, adding a splash of water or coconut milk if needed to maintain the desired consistency.
  3. Freezing: If you have a large batch of Metemgee or want to prepare it ahead of time, it can be frozen for future use. Allow the dish to cool completely, portion it into freezer-safe containers or bags, and freeze for up to 3 months. Thaw it in the refrigerator overnight before reheating.
  4. Customizing the Vegetables: While the traditional recipe includes specific vegetables, you can experiment with different options based on your preferences. Consider adding vegetables like bell peppers, carrots, green beans, or even spinach to introduce more variety and nutrients to the dish.
  5. Serving Size: The recipe typically yields a certain number of servings, but you can adjust the quantities based on your needs. If you're cooking for a larger group or want to have leftovers, simply increase the ingredients accordingly.
  6. Tradition and Cultural Significance: Metemgee is a traditional Guyanese dish and holds cultural significance in Guyanese cuisine. It is often prepared for special occasions, family gatherings, or holidays. Embracing the dish allows you to explore and appreciate the culinary traditions of Guyana.
  7. Cooking as a Social Experience: Metemgee is often enjoyed as a communal meal, bringing people together around the table. Consider inviting family or friends to join you in preparing and savoring this flavorful dish, creating cherished memories and fostering a sense of togetherness.
  8. Personalizing the Recipe: While it's important to respect the traditional recipe, don't be afraid to add your own personal touch. Feel free to experiment with additional seasonings, herbs, or ingredients that you think would complement the flavors of Metemgee and suit your taste preferences.


Try this delicious Metemgee recipe today and transport your taste buds to the vibrant flavors of Guyana. With its rich blend of meats, vegetables, and spices, it's a dish that's sure to impress and satisfy. Get ready for a culinary adventure!

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